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November News!

Julie Mia Holmes

A Bird in the Hand, at The Wedge Gallery, Books Kinokuniya Sydney is all packed up. Always a strange deflated in-limbo feeling after a show closes.

A very big thank you to everyone who had a peep, I found some lovely messages in my guest book!

If you missed out you can see all the work in my portfolio on the website here.

I sold a few but there are still many available, please feel free to send me a message if you're interested.

A cheeky reminder, Christmas is coming......! There are no Partridges but plenty of other species to perch upon your tree.

I also have some new greeting cards available on my Etsy store. You can choose from packs and individual designs.

My friend Thomas Middlemost has written a lovely little piece on the show for the Print Council of Australia's Blog. You can check it out here. Very gratifying to be compared to the likes of Paul Klee, and in the company of Lucy Culliton and Martin King!

While you're on the PCA's blog you should also have a read of the latest article on the closure of Studio Altenberg in Braidwood. I had the pleasure of exhibiting with Cecile last year for my show 'Wild Abandon', a wonderful experience. It's a sad loss for Braidwood but it sounds like there are plans afoot......! Braidwood printmaking residency? Yes please! :)

I have a few collaborations bubbling away, stay tuned for more exhibitions and projects coming soon.

Yours with inky fingers,

Julie :)

This image neatly sums up the balance in my life: bookselling bookended by art making!

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